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Engine Number

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Chrisemo1 | 16:19 Fri 21st Sep 2007 | Motoring
4 Answers
I need the engine number for registering my ford galaxy, does anyone know where i can find this number?



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Look on the V5 (Registration Document). Its about half way down section 4 (the blue section).
i cant remember off the top of my head but think it its a DOHC 8v engine it should be the 3 digit maybe found at rear of cylinder block on transmission flange to rear of exhaust manifold. but if its the V6 the code maybe found on front face of cylinder block and cylinder head. but if you still cant find it go to that might help i have got it all at work but not there for another week

hope this helps
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thank you
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I have now discovered that the engine number is made up of the last 7 digits of the chassis number.

Thanks anyway

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