I do kungfu and hbeen doing so for the past 2yrs. Never had any pains, apart from the usuals aches.
About 4 weeks ago I started to get a dull ache coming from deep inside my hip/groin shooting down to the outside of my thigh and stopping on the muslce to the left of the shin. It starts to clear after a few days, and then all I have to do is sit crossed legged on the floor and it comes back.
The pain keeps me up on the first night and then dies down and goes after day 2. I cant pin point the root of the pain as it is deep inside my hip. I can lift my leg straight up, no pain, but if i lift my leg out to the side it aches more, strangely doing a stretch eases the pain this stretch: -
http://www.nycfitnessexperts.com/stretches/Gro inStretch1.jpg Has onyone any ideas what the pain could be (tendon, muslce etc)??? Thanks in advance, as its really getting me down.