My car has never done this before and has only just started doing this in the past 2 months and its driving me MAD!
Basically if you drive at 70mph the car BEEPS loudly and displays a msg saying 'Speed Limit' if you proceed to drive over 70mph again it BEEPS! and says 'Speed limit exceeded'
Now this is a completely pointless feature and if I drive over 30 in a 30 mph zone it doesn't do anything, it only kicks in when you go over 70. It has only just started doing this, please no speeding lecturers I know I shouldn' be speeding but please please please help me get rid of it. My Dad borrowed it and I think he's been playing around with it and added the poxy 'feature'! I have a Fiat Punto its a '56' reg i think :o S its the new shape anyway and about a year old...Any suggestions peeps?
hmmmm if only I'd thought of doing that before I went to the effort of posting my question on the AB... Does anyone else have a suggestion which I quite logically wouldn't have already have tried?
To be fair it doesnt say that you have looked in the manual already in your posting.
If you look at the computer on your car it will have a setting in their - you'll usually press a button to de-activate it or set it at another speed. My limiter bong is under the computer section and speed alert. You can of course turn it off.
Of course if you haven't looked in the manual then you should it will have clear instructions. If you haven't got a manual now would be a good time to invest in one.
Suggest insted of letting her sit in the front seat you put the wife/mother/girlfriend in the boot on the next journey and see if the warning volume decreases