The thing is you see you may think it's all convenient to fill up their tummies as much possible. Make life easier for you but it's no good for them. When you give solids you are replacing a milk feed, milk (well breastmilk really) contains the essential fatty acids the brain is built from. In these early months the brain grows and makes very important s those connections that last forever. That form your child's personality and dictates the shape of their mental and physical wellbeing forever.
So when you give them less milk, you are not feeding their brain. The solids you are giving are inferior carlorifically and nutritionally to milk. It just fills them up with physical bulk, not actually doing any good.
I know it may feel hardwork to keep feeding them (I make the most of it, I love sitting down for long cuddling breastfeeds in those early months) but it will benefit your child forever.
you may get those who "it never did me any harm" but you get smokers who do that who haven't got cancer yet! You just don't know, you need foresight in this job.