A Catholic Bishop in Mozambique has claimed that some European condoms are deliberately infected with HIV.
He has claimed the same about some retro-viral drugs.
http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/africa/701433 5.stm In a country with 16.2% HIV infection, this beggers belief.
He also goes on to say that abstinance in the unmarried, and faithfulness for the married are the best way to fight AIDS/ HIV. Whilst these two facts are of themselves obviously true, they equally clearly ignores reality.
The reality is that the bishop is promoting this line on condoms because the Catholic church wants high birth rates, because it knows very well that it is the best way to shore up its own power. When it is clear (and for anyone that doubts this, stop the debate - you are wrong) that allowing people to limit their families is one of the very best ways of reducing poverty as well as stopping AIDS, this has to be considered an act of unconscionable evil.