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The Grand Hotel Llandudno

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the new blue | 21:38 Sat 29th Sep 2007 | Travel
4 Answers
Has anyone spent New Year at the Grand Hotel in Llandudno? If so, what was it like food and entertainment-wise? Many thanks


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Haven't spent New Year there but have spent a long weekend. My sister & I took Mum there because she loves that type of hotel with bingo, quizzes & entertainment + a bit of dancing. Whether you will enjoy it will depend on your age group. It is mostly middle age to retirement age group. Food not too bad - typical of 2-3* mass catering. Mum loved it.
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I haven't been over the festive period but went earlier this year for a weekend. It wasn't that nice, the staff were surly and unhelpful, bar areas and tables were rarely cleared or cleaned, there were silver fish a plenty in the bathroom and there's a generally feeling of neglect about the place.

I do believe these places are heaving over that period so i would think that the standards drop even lower when they're full to bursting. Is it Llandudno in particular you fancy or just a nice large hotel over New Year with entertainment?
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Many thanks for all answers - not looking particularly at Llandudno, but something maybe in the north wales area. We live in Warrington and Llandudno holds special memories, but if you can recommend somewhere else, I'd be really grateful. Many thanks again.

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