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Premium Bonds maximise chances of winning

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Dingerbell4 | 20:58 Fri 28th Sep 2007 | Personal Finance
4 Answers
Can anyone tell me with �30,000 bieng the maximum holding, if you had it,would it be more advantageous to buy 300x100 bonds(blocks of 100 consecutive nos) meaning a good spreadover of "random selection nos" OR would you be better off buying one huge block of 30,000 consecutive nos??? which (if any) would give you a better chance of winning???


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Neither, as each number has an equal chance of winning then it would not matter when or in what blocks they were issued.
Good question. I rang the bonds office and whilst they were pretty vague, it seems there is no difference.

Its roundabouts and swings, if you get 30000 on block then you only have one prefix number (I.E. ABC12345678) and if that prefix doesn't come out you have no chance of winning that month, however if it does come out then you have 30000 chances, on the other hand if you get 300 blocks of 100 (over a period of time) you will will have lots of different prefixes and a better chance of picking one up in the draw, but with only 100 numbers to that prefix much less chance of a winner. as I said roundabouts and swings. Also I should point out that if you get �30000 worth of bonds in one go they will come in �5000 bonds but the numbers will run straight through.
On what grounds do you think it could possibly be better to buy a block? If you try to argue the case it will help you see the logic or flaw in the proposition.

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Premium Bonds maximise chances of winning

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