This is from the Answerbank home page:
The AnswerBank is a Community Question and Answer site. It was conceived as a central point where users can ask genuine questions and receive helpful answers, and, on occasion to provide a forum for debate on issues of general interest. We reserve the right to remove postings that lead the site away from its intended purpose - to be a helpful and accurate service.
I am sure that most other users of Answerbank will agree with me that the time has come to ban SmarterThanU, most of whose posts are inane, irrelevant or bordering on the obnoxious. Please take the appropriate action.
I totally agree with SteveD on this. Additionally, SmarterThanU's postings look suspiciously like a user that was banned some months ago, especially his reply to the bald budgie question in Animals and Nature, i.e. list of things to do. For the life of me, I can't remember that user's name.
I agree!!! Have you seen my post..its the next one down (AB Editor) and poses a similar question, but is in relation to a username.
vinny100 seems to have found someone else like SmarterThanU (the juggler)but I haven't seen any posts yet.
Also there doesn't seem to be any editing at weekends...perhaps there should be.