There are Five �Pillars� to Islamic faith. They are:
1.Testimony (Shahada) Testifying to the �oneness� of God
2.Prayers (Salat) Which just as with my own faith (Anglican) embraces a cycle of daily prayer:
Early morning (on rising) Just like our Morning Prayer
Sunset Just like our Evensong
Evening Just like our Compline (or the 7th Canonical � the last of the seven separate hours that are set aside for prayer each day.)
3. Charity (Sadaquah) The act of giving charity freely to others. In Judiasm that term might be a Mitzvah (or �Good deeds�)
4. Fasting to fast during the month of Ramadan (just as with our period of Lent)
5. Hajj Every Muslim should, if physically possible, make at least one journey to Mecca. (Just as with Judaism, that every young person should make Aliyah [return to the Promised Land])
Hope this helps.
I wish you Peace
Fr. Bill