I too had mine removed by keyhole nearly 6 years ago. It was a very simple op, and there are 4 very faint small scars, the most prominent being the one just beneath my belly button. The operation itself was a success, and I was home the very next day, but back in hospital 2 days later with a major infection, and the pain was worse that the attacks themselves. After a few shots of morphine and 4 days in hospital, I went home again, and it was established that I was given no anti-biotics to go home with, or anti-biotic cover during the operation and was open to all sorts. After a few weeks I was fine again, but the same thing happened with a friend of my auntie's and we just so happened to have the same consultant. I'm not trying to scare you love, as it's like a breath of fresh air not having to worry about when you're gonna be doubled up in pain again, but most of these things go without a single hitch, and if you don't live in the Truro area of Cornwall, you'll be fine!!! xxxxx