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julesy | 19:03 Mon 08th Oct 2007 | Quizzes & Puzzles
9 Answers
Find the creature etc.
I still need
6. s P - k c & t c
29. l T t - l e
37. B - m c
39. f G - t g
44. t C s - s i
45. T p - p i k

Many thanks


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6 Stool Pigeon - Kid Creole & The Coconuts
45 Turtle Power - Partners In Kryme
37 Butterfly - Mariah Carey
29. = let's turkey trot -- little eva
39.= funky gibbon --- the goodies
44. = the chicken song ---spitting image.
can you give me no 65 thanks.
mockingbird little eva
39 Funky Gibbon - The Goodies
Sorry, I thought I had refreshed this window before answering, but obviously not.
65) I have mockingbird - Eminem
Question Author
Thanks every, my brain had stuck!


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