The people of Israel (Jews) left their homeland during and after waves of invasion by Romans, Muslims, etc. They moved to Europe, then America. Antisemitism (hatred of Jews) increased, culminating in the Nazi Holocaust. After WW2 the Jews, with American help, returned to their ancestral homeland and established the modern state of Israel. But there was a problem, for by now there were Arabs (Palestinians) living there. The Palestinian people had been there for centuries and saw it as THEIR homeland. They saw the Jews as invaders. No sooner was the state of Israel set up than surrounding Arab nations waged war against it, believing the state of Israel had no right to exist. Israel had to defend itself, but it went further, expanding its borders into neighbouring land. The Jews and Muslims of the Holy Land both see it as their own land granted to them by God, and they cannot agree on a boundary. A very sad situation with no instant solution.