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what is your favourite

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bobtheturkey | 13:48 Mon 15th Oct 2007 | ChatterBank
16 Answers


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Corned beef and potato. As long as it has gravy on it.
Steak and stilon or cheese and onion
Fatty Greggs Pasty

You didn't have a masher. You want lumps in it ? You have succeeded. You have made lumpy mashed potato.

(copyright dangler, 2005)

Is there a fundamental difference between a pasty and a pie??

If not i would opt for a good old fashioned Cornish pasty. Hot!!

cheese & onion with plenty of tommy sauce.
Is is pasty or pastie? I am having problems with words at the mo.
none can't stand any
There is only the Cornish pasty. Preferably from Lavenders in Pz but they've gone a bit down hill of recent years.

Anything other pasty is just a gimic.
I thought it was pastie - I thought pasty is what your mum says you are when you look a bit pale
Good afternoon Bob. The pork pie shop near here sells lovely cornish pasties, think they are probably my favourite!x
Proper cornish with meat and veg at one end and apple at t'other.
Thank you, Hellyon.

I remember telling my Home Economics teacher about those back in 1982. She told me I was talking rubbish and that I was describing a special at McDonalds.

The uneducated cow.
i tried a cajun one once!

my god it was awful................. so i had another!
Pip - we educated folk know better. I suppose if you'd told her the big crust was so miners could eat them with dirty hands and then throw the crust away she would have called you stupid too!
gotta be a greggs cheese and onion for me bob, not too hot though!!! hate to have a burnt tongue!
None, not very healthy are they??!!!

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