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chatterbank question??

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legend760 | 13:13 Mon 15th Oct 2007 | ChatterBank
10 Answers
if chatterbank is back.
what does that mean will happen to the bogus imposter chatter bank set up by disgruntled ex answerbankers?
will it continue?
or will it be losta s search engines wont find it because of abs chatterbank??


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It'll exist forever, because we've banned all the morons.

A lesson to be learned ABEd?
Why would AB ED want to turn a fine site into an ego-trip ?
Such a jealous insignificant little weasel, ain't ya?
Gibbon, and it's you not ya.

Please don't start a battle of words that you have no hope of winning, not again.
Clear off then.
-- answer removed --
How's you son, seen him recently?
They may come back for a look, but probably won't stay, or even post, because since the original Chatterbank was disposed of, B&S has degenerated to such an extent, that its in almost terminal decline, and bringing CB back, is probably a last ditch attempt to save it.

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