Likely sentence on an ABH charge? in The AnswerBank: Law
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Likely sentence on an ABH charge?

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cliffcharm | 23:45 Mon 15th Oct 2007 | Law
2 Answers
Hi, I have recently been charged with occasioning actual bodily harm and was wandering if anyone had any advice on a likely sentence and my circumstances? I was playing 5 a side football and was constantly being fouled by an opponent, in a moment of rage after he kicked across my kneecap I pushed him to the floor and kicked out catching him on the cheek. There was no intent to kick him in the face as such but in my statement I admitted I was angry and did mean to kick out. He only suffered minor swelling and a small cut. I have never been in trouble before, am 24 and am in full time employment. I went to magistrates where my solicitor advised me not to plea so it gets sent to a crown court, is this right as I know they have higher sentencing powers so couldnt understand why this was what has been advised? I understand the maximum sentences they can hit me with but does anyone realistically know what I am likely to expect? Thanks
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I know of a bloke who broke another man's jaw doing almost exactly the same as you(5 a side match) he got 9 months.It wasn't his first offence though and he was unemployed.
Ask your solicitor for the minimum/maximum based on similar cases he has undertaken. Ask him again when you know who the magistrate is.

There's obviously legal set penalties but some Judges are more lenient than others. Just be honest in Court. Admit you did mean to kick but someone moving meant a kick (maybe to the upper arm) in frustration resulted in a kick to a cheek. Admit you were guilty and admit liability. If you can see a Doctor NOW for anger management so at least in Court it's noted that you are getting 'help' and your fine may end up a whole lot better.

You worry me. You have shared the problem here for advice but you don't come over as being either penitent or remorseful - just worried about how it will affect you and what it will cost you.

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Likely sentence on an ABH charge?

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