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"You know now" lyrics

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jsl2k4 | 00:38 Mon 15th Oct 2007 | Music
4 Answers
I've heard a song in the shop i work in with the lyrics "you know now" in the chorus. Ive not been able to catch any more but it does sound very much like the libertines, both in style and accent. Does anyone know what song this is?


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not sure but could you possibly have mis heard the chorus.
the only one i can think of is "can't stand me now" by the libertines. but hey i could be wrong.
If it's possible you've misheard the lyrics I'd suggest 'Whistle for the Choir' by The Fratellis. leforthechoir.html

(Could you have misheard 'your lonely' thinnking it was 'you know now'?) If not sorry I haven'e been able to help!
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It's definitely none of those songs, but thanks anyway
is it The Kooks- Naive

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"You know now" lyrics

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