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Was there a chatterbank before?

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funnygirl | 13:29 Mon 15th Oct 2007 | ChatterBank
6 Answers
I am relatively new on here and all this hype about chatterbank brings me to my questions.

Was there a chatterbank before?
What happened to it??
And if you are an old AB, are you glad to see it back???


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It was banned because it all got very nasty
I suppose so.
It never got as nasty as B&S gets nowadays
it was never really that nasty.. it was more ridiculous and amusing.


it died before just christmas 2005 and ruined the holiday for everyone
b13thy!! hellooooo where you been hiding?
mycats! *hugs*
i'm over in cb!!! where else do u think i would be ;)
ha ha its great to se you :-) x

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Was there a chatterbank before?

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