I have never needed them..naturally poker straight hair, me!
Oh yes. During the 80's when curls were the rage I had to spend a fortune on perms, spending the first few weeks after the perm looking like Deirdre Barlow.
I am pleased straight hair is 'in'. My sister is finally jealous of me. While it takes her an hour to do her hair I can just wash..and go :o)
pippa68 i wish i had your hair, i need straightners my hair is the worst you can get in good condition but is neither straight or curly it has a weird waves going through not good.
got to be honest i straighten my hair every day. ghd in my opinion are the best and believe me i have tried (and spent a fortune) on other makes.
my hair looks like i've had my old nans curlers in all night and the frizz........my god!
Jane I'm the same, I'm glad I've found a fellow afro head! and GHD fan, have you seen the new pink ones for breadt cancer? think they wil be my next investment.
I've had mine 7years never had a prob with this set although I'm on my second pair as the first blew up in my hair! haha!