Do you ever hear a song for the first time, and by the time it has reached the end, you just know you will take any and all evasive action to avoid ever hearing it ever again - including pulling your own head off?
'Mouthwash' by Kate Nash.
The dreadful sub-sixth-form poetry contest (last place) lyrics, the ickle girly voice, aaaaaarrrrgggghhhhhh! I HATE IT SO MUCH!!!!!
Anything by Oasis. Can't stand them - as soon as I hear his whining, whinging voice come over the radio I have to take all and any necessary action to aviod subjecting my ears to it.
ANYTHING on daytime Radio 1. Only just managed to persuade my Philistine workmates to switch to Radio 6.
Am i the only one to consider wrist - slashing when the same, banal, made-for-the- twelve-year-olds, corporate ***** musical turd is played for the fifth time?
There, i said it. I feel soooooooo much better!
Anything by James Blunt and his speaking voice is even worse!
Also anything by Katie Melua, Natasha Bedingfield, Oasis (I totally agree about the whiney voice) or Guns n' Roses.
And Mariah Carey and most girl bands.