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Personalities ?

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pussnboots | 00:14 Sun 21st Oct 2007 | ChatterBank
5 Answers
Just had this discussion with Mr.puss, once he is behind the wheel of our car he turns into a different person, he swears and calls every other driver on the road. He thinks he is the only good driver and eveyrone else is c++p. Enjoyable drives out are non existant as it it always him againt all the other drivers. Has anyone else got a partner who changes when behind the wheel. ??


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hi pussnboots, yeah my ex husband was the same, always swearing and blaming other drivers - even for his own mistakes!
Nightmare isnt it
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Hi weeal, we have this arguement every time we go out, He flits about trying to outdo the ' idiot ' in the csar behind, but he is the idiot and we have the most awful arguements.
its downright dangerous at times tho with them givin it the Macho bit on the road
We men all do it at sometime or another, its just a man thing, you ladys have far more patience than us on the road.
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