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Chatterbank has no chance of staying

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dot.hawkes | 23:39 Sun 21st Oct 2007 | ChatterBank
14 Answers
if people continue to put up insulting and abusive threads aimed at other users it won;t stand a cat in hells chance . That is why it was pulled the first time around.


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I think AB likes the controversy, it pulls in more members...
why hello my little sweetie pie. How have you been,do you want to come to my stag do my little lumkin dot.
I am sure that we can find you a few stags to mate with you.
Hear, hear...It seems to bring out a lot of people's childish sides. *sigh*
Hiya Dot......have you seen this AD.....f'n
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Just like me I am very entertaining as leg will vouch for.
There is never a dull moment when I am around on here and in real life.
Dot I think you need a holiday and the hrt is not working is it.
You wanna come to mallorca next year on my stag do
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what they do what they do they smile in your face dont they leg
well i jolly well think chatterbank is absolutely marvelous
its just ashame some of the old school cant keep up with the times lol
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Hi Bez, my grandson just watched your link!!! he loves that ad too.
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as is obvious from thethread.
its hard to argue with undisputable facts.

i bow to bobs greater knowledge as hes been here longeranbd seen the ups n downs and the politics of ab.

me myself im straight as a die.

i dont lie or cheat

pity others cant be the same

good nite : - )

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Chatterbank has no chance of staying

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