lol cazzz, I understand what you're saying. The only thing is that it keeps some of the banter off B&S, which I suppose is good for "genuine" qs. on there.
Also, some ABers ARE lovely! And a nice chat is therapeutic. x
It was good when i got a chance to post, i couldn't believe how fast the threads went. I voted for it to stay as i think it keeps the chit chat away from B&S, but like you Cazzz, i thought the same, B&S went really quiet.
Hi leelapops sweetness , Only hoping we will know tomorrow , if it's here in the morning does it mean it 's staying ? If not , it was good to see it and try it as I had heard about it but was new to it. :-) xx
Hiya mamma......I'm just about still here :)........late one for me tonight......I did want CB to stay.....but don't now :(.....the old one lasted a while..well more than a week!!!
It used to be the first place I headed to.....but now it's Adverts/Music for me :(
Hope you are well mamma xx
Hiya lindapinda and redbel , lovely to see you , well half asleep see you have been watching a series of Lost tonight so thought I would just pop in before going to bed. Hope you are both well :-) xxx
Hi society love , yes it's me . I am having to use the username with 1 added as I am in the AB dungeon at the moment ! I was accidently put there on friday when AB had a fault with repeat refreshing so thought I was overposting .
I am well thankyou and hope you are too . :-) xx
bigmamma (1!) you are such a night owl! Thanks for your posts. Hope you are well. Did I read somewhere your son wasn't well? Is he OK? What was up?
Thought you'd gone missing, then I saw your thread re. being banned, but stupid laptop wouldn't let me open it! Did you have a nice weekend in the dungeon?! Xx