Thanks for asking chick!! I have been seething this morning after receiving an e-mail from a colleague telling me off for something I sent to a Director on e-mail. It was work related, and pretty non-descript but she's taken it out of proportion (God knows how she even saw the mail in question anyway!) and she copied my telling off to another Director in the company. Hahahahaha! It's all beaurocratic nonsense and I just deleted it. Both Directors in question would never even mention it to me, and the one it was copied to has actually deleted the email from her inbox! I just can't imagine why this person wouldn't have spoken to me about it, y'know? But work life never changes I guess. Give people a soap box and they'll abuse it...
Aren't you glad you asked? :oD
Other than that i'm good. Got loads of work to do but still intend on popping on here today, as the boss is away!