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Shifting Camp

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seekeerz | 08:15 Sat 27th Oct 2007 | ChatterBank
6 Answers
Calling warpig - come over and talk to me here - S


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Try to make it a day later, warpig and we'll have a double celebration - that's my birthday too

You'll be a bit safer here - that gets pretty hectic first thing Sat, mornings and I'd hate to lose you in there.
Morning seekeerz, so hows things down under? I am rather jealous 'cos its coming into your summertime now and I am sitting here looking out at a dark sky with very little hope of sunshine:o(

Just wondered, what was the quiz all about?
Question Author

Thats better, a bit quieter - well I'm looking at a dark grey sky too, and hopefully there'll be some rain with it - we've had another dry winter and the farmers are panicking - don't blame them.

The quiz is an in-house competition we have each week, linked to the Daily Telegraph Crossword - there are four shaded words and we try to predict the four words to match it in the Monday puzzle - it's a lot of fun and most of the players are in the UK, I start the post about 3.00pm my time and we go from there.

LOL, well if you want some rain you can have some of ours!

Where about in Oz are you? East or west, north or south, just asking 'cos you say you started post at 3pm so I am assuming western territory (not that I have ever been to Austraila, so it makes little odds).

All is very quite up here, I think everyone is getting ready to hibernate, well all except the baby warpig who appears to be practising gymnastics as I type.

I will try and remember your birthday and try and hold on but somehow I don't think I will have an option!

did you daughter go to the wedding in Fife, if so did she have a good time?
Question Author

Pity my daughter couldn't bring some home with her, but they were charging her for excess baggage as it was !! lol

She had a wonderful time, yes she went to the wedding in Fife, and it rained solidly the whole day - I was concerned she'd be cold - silk halter-neck dress and a pashmina, said she was warm as toast !!! and this is the girl who wants the heater on in summer back home.

I'm in South Australia, down the bottom and in the middle, daughter lives in Melbourne, which means we don't get to see all that much of her. We drove over when she came back and had a few days with her mid-Sept, now she's finding a new job, she won't like that after 4 months off.

Take care of yourself and hope all goes well for you and little warpig - sounds very energetic, even at this stage.
LOL seekeerz, the excess baggage, that will have been her wellies and brolly! As for her not feeling the cold, its amazing how young ladies can endure when dressed up to the nines in their best gear, I reckon I was like that once, if it was now I would have coat hat and boots on and wouldn't care who saw me or what they thought! I do pity her looking for a job after 4 mths off, I haven't been working for 8 mths (my choice) and the thought of going back scares the bejasus out of me!

Glad all is well with you and yours, take good care and will talk soon. I am off back to bed shortly as have been up since 5am (sad or what)

take care
warpig xx

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