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knobbynonut had sed with a...

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plowter | 00:12 Sun 28th Oct 2007 | ChatterBank
4 Answers
Knobby, you're a man of the world.

What's the strangest thing you've had sex with?

Reason I'm asking is the recent case of the Man who had sex with bike in court.

Being a testerone tramp is there anything you wouldn't consider?


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The second part of that story was about a man who had sex with a pavement. How? Why? What lubrication? How can we curb his enthusiasm?
Why has he been out on the SO Register? He isnt doin anything wrong... just really weird lol. I cant understand the punishement at all??????????????
ive heard of kerb crawling but thats ridiculous lol

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knobbynonut had sed with a...

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