Oh Porsche, play hell with that vet! You be representing all us big-ass laydees, you sexy labrador you! ;) Did mum put you on "mature" food yet? Jack wanted to let you know his skin tests came back showing an allergy, and we are awaiting the bloods so we can find out what it actually IS!
Fireworks would be nice on Nov 5th. I swear if I catch whoever is doing it, they will have rockets up their bums (well, I can't be a youth worker ALL the time!) megan you speak the truth, bm is superduperfab!
skyep-dirty slapper apples! (Slapples?) weeal, you can never get too much sleep! :D So a worthy cause I think for your hour extra.
BM, we have had rain all weekend, jack would love to get to the park today though, so I can see some lus sky, which is promising.
Everyone enjoy your Sunday! xx