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China Doll | 12:07 Sun 28th Oct 2007 | ChatterBank
14 Answers
Right, I'm popping to the shops.... does anyone want the Sunday paper while I'm there?

I'm not getting owt else... just the papers, it's an in and out job not a grocery shop.



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My other half has already been dispatched to the supermarket but thanks for the offer. :-)
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I'm sorry legend but I'd be far to embarrassed to buy that in case someone I know saw me... like that bloke I saw at the bus stop twon months a go with the red jacket and the can of special brew.... you can have the sun or the mirror but that's as low as I go.

I'm now getting a lift there too so I can pick up more than one broadsheet if anyone's interested.
Hi leg how is youi this fine day?
Please, miss, could you get me copies of Beano, Dandy, Hotspur, and a pack of 5 Woodbines?
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Fish are fine swimming merrily .Ive been up since 6 o,clock chasing them around the tank x
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Do they sell condoms? If so, pick me up a pack.....quick!
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I appear to have nothing you guys requested. I'm almost sorry.
Well, give me me 5/- back then.
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There wasn't any change!

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