My husband is due a flu jab and is in doubt as to whether to have it as he has heard stories from various people young and old about bad reactions this year. He doesn't want to be ill ( headaches, nausea, high temp to name a few symptoms) and i don't want him having 'man' flu either! Is this years jab causing these side effects?
I don't know Cletus, but I am one the few that had a bad reaction and I said never again.
I don't know what it is in the vaccine that causes this, but I was so ill, that I begged my hubby to take me to hospital.
My throat closed up completely, massive headache and vomiting
This was about 3 years ago and I have been really frightened to have another jab
As far I as I am aware and been told by medical professionals, you CANNOT catch the flu or any related symptoms of flu from having the jab. If you get ill afterwards it is pure coincidence and you would have got ill anyway. However, the flu jab is developed using hens eggs. This is why they ask if you allergic to eggs before you have it done. This could be a cause of allergic reactions or symptoms that others have described.
I think it really depends if your husband has a chronic medical condition already. My husband is diabetic and when he got the flu without having the jab he was so ill for weeks. He has a slight reaction after the jab, feels a bit hot and off colour for a day or so, but having seen him when he got the real flu then there is no comparison. If your old man has a heart condition or so on, then it might be worth taking the chance. My husband had the jab yesterday and seems fine. Good luck!
My husband & I have been having yearly 'flu injections in October for over 20 years (there is no age limit at our GP surgery) & we have never suffered any reaction whatsover. Not only do the injections protect is from 'flu but they also keep common colds at bay. We swear by them.
My husband & I are both diabetics we have the flu injection every Oct, Because our immune systems can't cope with bugs & infections it is vital we have it. If we caught the flu our doc reckons it probably would kill us.
Its important for anyone over 60 & if one has a medical problem to have this injection. We can't fight it.
my parents have been getting it for several years now. My dad was really reluctant because he is a healthy man but doctor was really advising it. Anyway he took their advice and no side effects whatsover. A guy in my office gets it due to having heart bypass a few years ago. I have to say every year when he tells me he is off for his jab i say 'oh dear that will be you getting the flu then' for some reason every year after it within a week he gets the dose of the sniffles. we are no expert and dont know for a fact it is connected but I have to say - that is all it is, the sniffles nothing more.
I've got asthma and I've had a cough since getting my jab. I wouldnt let that put him off though as I've also been exercising like mad and have put on 9lb of solid muscle since getting it 4 weeks ago. I am putting the cough down to being a smoker and not the jab.