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i need to send an anonymous text

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janetsflower | 13:58 Fri 19th Oct 2007 | ChatterBank
25 Answers
Does ayone know how i can text someone without my number coming up? Can i do it from a website or a phone box?


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Janet: I�m proud of you. I sat here trying to imagine what this poor might feel like receiving an anonymous message of this magnitude. Would he think that people were laughing at him? Would he be afraid to believe it because it was sent anonymously and therefore suffer in silence. Or could he feel so distraught and alone that he took some rash form of self-harm. Indeed, the scenario disturbed me on many levels.

Reaching out to others can be a very daunting experience. It often leaves us vulnerable and it requires a sincere investment in time � something we often profess not to have much of.

Finally, making a personal commitment to reach out to others allows them to have common denominators in celebrating the act of healing and moving on. If presented in the right way, and with an honest and sincere intent to help, then your kindness will be remembered forever.

In circumstances such as these, I always hope there innocent explanations that have been perceived by others incorrectly.

I�m proud of you for investing in caring for another

Fr Bill
Clearly I wrote that too fast. The poor soul. And�I always hope there are innocent explanations.

The heart was there�the brain just slightly behind!

Again, I�m proud of you

Fr Bill
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well i did it, it was hard,. i wanted to just run away but i stayed and told him everything that i knew and all that i had heard as well and leave him to draw his own conclusions and investigate his self. He swore at me to start and i thought he might hit me and i was thinking i had made a big mistake but then he calmed down and said thanks for telling him and he is more annoyed at everyone else who knowes that hasn't told him than he was at me. I on't know really how he took the actual news, i guess he was pretty shocked and is still taking it in but he knowes where i am if he needs a shoulder, other than that i will leave him few days to get over it and then check up on him becuase i feel if it was me i would want to be left alone at first. Its done now anyway so whether it was right or wrong, good or bad way to do it, its done
-- answer removed -- allows you to send anonymous SMS and receive replies as well using a lazme alias.

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i need to send an anonymous text

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