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it's been emotional

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johnny.5 | 19:40 Sun 04th Nov 2007 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
ta ta for now


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Good point nonuts, the problem is that I don't know the real and genuine johnny5's password. Nor does he apparently. Which is proof enough for me. Proof, that's what counts, proof.

This is an imposter.

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Nutty- J5 aint whiffey.
Is that so B00 ? Well answer me this then, why does johnny5 have to come back as a green johhny.5 ?

Eh ? Eh ?

It reeks of impostererers.
Does it indeed whiffey? How so?
I think there are people on here who are not who they claim to be. It's an awful thought, but I think it goes on.
i think this johnny.5 doesn;t realise there is another johnny5 around
It's the same J5 dotty.
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you opened them crackers early leg end

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it's been emotional

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