Im very depressed at work at the moment, and in fact have been given time off due to it by my doctors. I really can not face going back to work for the current work place, if I was to quit the job while I searched for work else where would I be able to seek job seekers allowance?
It used to be that there was a period after quitting work that you couldn't claim for.If you are sacked you can claim immediately. I would go to the job centre website and have a look around.
If you hand in your notice you are classed as having made yourself voluntarily unemployed and you could face up to 26 weeks before you are entitled to claim any benefits. One of the exceptions to this rule is if you have to leave work on medical grounds (including workplace stress). What is your GP putting on your sick notes as your reason for absence?
I would seek advice from either your local jobcentre or the citizens advice bureau before you hand your notice in.