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bobtheturkey | 22:10 Mon 05th Nov 2007 | ChatterBank
14 Answers
do you think the social and economic climate of uruguay benefited from the influx of european immigrants in the 19th century or would the country have prospered regardless if Flores had stayed alive for a much longer period than he ultimately did, did his early death provide a catalyst for the expansion of Uruguay in a cultural sense or was this due to for example the increase in sheep brought by the europeans amongst other benefits that their greater skills brought, or maybe in the aftermath of the civil the war the country would have stabilised naturally


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maybe, and they did win the world cup a time or two, which only russia and brazil have done, I have known that since i was 12.
Hello Bob, hope you are well. That is an interesting question. I will ponder over it whist eating a packet of Love Hearts. Anyone want one???x
I think the uruguaians did indeed benefit from european immigrants.
Katie did you know that those purple hearts are banned in some countries?
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i remember the uruguay footi team from the 80s a real bunch of hatchet men although francescoli was a footballer of sublime skill if somewhat lazy, are they like refreshers katie
No, why?x
The "no" was to Dot btw. Yes Bob, they are.x
the brazil team of 1986 were truly the henchmen, the cameroon team of 1990 were thugs
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i thought they are all fizzy?
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contrary to popular belief the greatest brazil team ever was the 82 version who didn't win the world cup it had the likes of zico, socrates, falcao,junior,eder,oscar et al a wonderful side that lost to italy in one of the greatest matches ever
But am I correct in thinking that uruguay won the world cup 3 times? i am sure my Dad told me this in 1966.

Katie, yes, those purple hearts are very very serious stuff, seperate them from the rest before the DEA raid your house
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no twice they were the first winners in 1930 and again in 1950
Why would anyone want to eat sweets that nag you...

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