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Just Testing!

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paulineward | 11:42 Mon 05th Nov 2007 | Quizzes & Puzzles
13 Answers
How dare you!!...Well I'm back so there!!!


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Welcome home, Pauline. Just mind your tongue in future!
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Now come on know better than that!! We had a great time in the dungeon anyway didn't we??.....wouldn't they like to know what we got up yo!!!..Our secret!! :-)
Welcome back Pauline - I hope Aq. was looking after you properly!!
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He was a true gent..(most of the time!!!)
Oh what a shame Pauline. ;-)
Who are you .. are you a new girl on the block?? ;O)
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Yes S!!!...and wait until you see what I get up to!!

Hey, welcome back you two - beginning to think they really had thrown away the keys this time.
What do you do ? I cannot get my head round the fact that the helpful ones seem to get gated but others seem to run and run Welcome back paulineward and Aquagility x
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thanks grannygrump!..I was e-mailed back after my question to ed as to why this happened...and I was told it was a technical not really convinced. Why was nobody else off line then?
Only just seen this thread. Let me add my thanks to granny g. and all the rest who have shown concern - and specially to those who went to the lengths of emailing the Ed.

It's a rotten feeling - rather like being held up for hours on a motorway, and having no way of finding out why.

Like Pauline, I don't think it is just a technical problem. Or why would it always happen on a Friday evening? I fear it is one of those "games people play".
-- answer removed --
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Just testing if I am still on line!

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