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Anyone out there know a definitive version of 'what shall we do with the drunken sailor'?

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Kim A | 11:52 Tue 06th Nov 2007 | Music
3 Answers
I'm trying to compile as large a set as possible of lyrics for this song for some Belgian friends. I've had a quick look on some of the lyric sites, but can only get to about seven verses. Any others gratefully received - thanks!


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Some variations here:

What shall we do with a drunken sailor, (3�)
Early in the morning?
Hoo�ray/Wey�hey/Heave-ho and up she rises, (3�)
Early in the morning.
Put him in the longboat till he�s sober, (3�)[1]
Early in the morning.
Put him in the longboat and make him kiss 'er, (3�)[2]
Early in the morning.
Pull out the plug and wet him all over, (3�)[3]
Early in the morning.
Put him in the scuppers with a hosepipe on him, (3�)[4]
Early in the morning.
Heave him by the leg in a running bowline, (3�)[5]
Early in the morning.
Tie him to the taffrail when she�s yardarm under, (3�)[6]
Early in the morning.
Keelhaul him, keelhaul him (3�)[7]
Early in the morning.
Shave his belly with a rusty razor, (3�)[8]
Early in the morning.
That�s what we�ll do with a drunken sailor, (3�)
Early in the morning.
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Thanks Gromit - that's three more added to the list!
There are a load more on that link...

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Anyone out there know a definitive version of 'what shall we do with the drunken sailor'?

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