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Gettaway music

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llllozzajh | 22:43 Sun 04th Nov 2007 | Music
7 Answers
hi, does anyone know of any music for escaping to. i just got a new ipod and it has way to much space so i now feel compelled to fill it with music for any occation, and now i am stuck on gettaway music, just incase i ever need to leg it.
thanks in advance.


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how about "take the money and run" by steve miller
or "get away " by georgie fame
Lenny Kravitz - 'Fly Away'
How about Et Away by Georgie Fame and the Blue Flames-going back abit about 40 years old
I meant Get away not et away -bad typing sorry
there's no better tune to have on your ipod than the full length James Bond theme tune. it's good for so many different occasions.
How's about Duelin Banjo's from the Deliverance soundtrack!!
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thanks for all the answers

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