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Is seeing a doctor necessary?

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tigwig | 12:00 Wed 07th Nov 2007 | Family & Relationships
9 Answers
Hi, my 3 year old has had a nasty sounding cough for 3 days now and I am unsure whether she needs to see a doctor. I know there is alot of coughs and colds going round and it is usually a virus so I don't want to waste their and my time for them to say that. But on the other hand what if it needs antibiotics? She isn't really ill in herself, a bit under the weather it is just the cough that sounds painful, she is eating and drinking ok too. What do you fellow mums think?


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you're almost certainly right, it's just a virus that'll go away in another couple of days - it's that time of year,a fter all. But if in doubt, why not see your doctor? That's what he's there for. They often make an effort to see babies at short notice, though that may depend on the doctor.
It's probably a virus and so no antibiotics will help. If it develops into a sore throat so it hurts when she swallows then go, but in the meantime just keep her chest warm and give her the normal off the shelf remedies from your chemist.
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thanks for your quick answers. She does have sore throat and sounds very hoarse but otherwise is ok not 100% but not really ill.
I would take her just to be on the safe side. My mom had a persistent cough last year and when we eventually nagged her into going to her gp it turned out she had a chest infection. It may not be the case here as theres a lot of it about at the moment. my daughter has a terrible cold and cough, but you cant be too careful where your kids are concerned!

Hope shes feeling better soon! xx
phone nhs direct - they will go through some questions and tell you whether you can self treat or if you need to see a doctor 08454647
If in doubt, take her. Personally, I would be wanting to get the cough checked out to make sure its not a chest infection. You know her best, do what you think she needs.

Hope she feels better soon :)
I assure you that GPs would never think you are wasting their time when it concerns a 3yr old, even if it is just to tell you she is ok. Definately take her they would rather see her. Antibiotics are not given freely these days, but there are a lot of coughs & colds this year that will only go with a course of antibiotics.
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thanks again I did take her and I was right, sods law it is viral but I can relax now
Glad its just a cold tigwig, hopefully she will be back to herself in no time at all :)

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