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fish and chips

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MONKEY123 | 16:19 Sat 04th Sep 2004 | Food & Drink
11 Answers
can anyone remeber these they were like a baked snack in fish and chip shapes with the flavours of salt and vinager they were about 10p a pack!!!!


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I can. They were small baked biscuits. Used to love them. I've just found a post on the net about them, not sure if they are the same ones though. Click here to see.
Yes I remember these but you can still get them in a few places....if you have a farmfoods near you I think they still stock the big six bag packs.
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thank you at leat i wasn't imagineing things. yummmy yummy
My local branch of Tesco's used to stock them. Haven't seen them there for a while, but I haven't really been looking.
YES. They came in a packet wich had a newspaper type print to it.
Yeah! And the Space Raiders, pickled onion flavour. Now they definitely still sell them! Or the hamburger crisps?
The hamburger crisps were Burger Bites - lovely !!
You can still get them in the North West, perhaps they think we haven't got so refined taste
My Dad can remember these they were like cheddar biscuits in the shape of fish and chips and came in salt and vinigar flavour.
They also did Chicken and chips
Yes i absolutely love them and chicken and chips...always looking round for some.....i know most newsagents sell them and little shops (as mentioned) farmfoods. Iceland might have them.

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