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wifi and a comp without a wifi card

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pepperpot | 18:45 Fri 09th Nov 2007 | Technology
3 Answers
I have broadband on my desktop. I have bought a router. I have a laptop which is about 5 years old and is not wifi enabled. Is it possible to enable it, and what is it I am looking for, I don't know the terms so don't know what to search.


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Easy to buy a wifi adapter for your laptop - but you have to be sure you are buying the right one for the connections you have available on your laptop.

There are adapters that plug in to a USB port: tronics&content=catalog&category=&detail=1545

A card: ksys/wpc300n-wifi-802-11n-pcmc.html?srcid=867

Have a look and see what your laptop has. All of them should work with your router.
a wireless laptop card,
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thank you so much

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wifi and a comp without a wifi card

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