What you�ve shared sounds about as balanced as someone buying peanut butter because it was on offer, despite the fact they�re allergic to peanuts!
Surely there must be more respect in the couple�s relationship that your son would be sensitive to what his wife wants as well? I feel what you�ve shared may run much deeper than the matter of red carpeting with �free� fitting. And I�m not sure it matters that he spent twenty pounds on the carpet. Wouldn�t have been lovely had he asked what she thought as well and perhaps had found a compromise?
Strong relationships exist where couples share and couples interact, not only responding to what their partner might ask, but anticipating. This does not appear to be the case here.
If it were me, I would try to obtain a refund and if not possible, then possibly advertise the carpeting in the Friday Ads. But before that, I would have said to my partner �I apologise. It was selfish of me not to have considered your thoughts in the first place.�
One of the greatest causes of divorce today is related to the failure of communication between couples, which leads to other problems.
http://bigworldsmallboat.blogspot.com/2006/06/ have-i-told-you-lately-that-i-love-you.html
I'm sad to have read this post as parentally, it might have been nice had you offered your son similar advice regarding the value of communication and respect.
Fr Bill