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do clothes ?

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legend758duo | 11:14 Tue 13th Nov 2007 | ChatterBank
6 Answers
do clothes make you what you are?
for example if you dress acertain way might you be perceived as a tart or a slapper ?
and who decides what exactly is too tarty and whats not?
isnt it a hard call?
i eman one mans tarty is another mans nice .
or womans ??


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yer depends who's looking I'd say a woman with half her cleavage out and skirt up to her elbows is tarty, but some men wouldnt think that. Thats a question can men look tarty?
I reckon so 4get, dont you think the builders bums are teasers ;)
In most circles its better to not have so much cleavage on show, if you have your all your legs showing and vice cersa. PVC thigh boots look pretty much out of place anywhere, although I have see a few goths pull it off without looking s1utty.

Its only perception after all. I know some girls who reveal loads when they go out but they couldnt be farther from tarty in personality.

People also complain about kid/teenagers wearing short skirts but surely this is the age where it looks less ridiculous.
Other people make those decisions.

I am not really interested in what people (that I don't know) perceive me as.

thats not tarty thats just waist too big for their trousers that it pushes them down. and depends if you can see their knickers goodsoul :-)
I guess the place matters too. I see some people out shopping on a Sunday wearing things some people would go clubbing in and I think hello its not Friday night love

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