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Which is sexier?

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twaflooers | 09:26 Tue 13th Nov 2007 | ChatterBank
30 Answers
Having cringed last night watching Rosie Webster's unsubtle, brash and decidedly inept attempts at being sexy and seductive I got to thinking ~ Do men really think that behaviour such as this is sexy?

To my mind its way too over the top and smacks of a hooker plying her trade for free but then again I am female and not privvy to the inner workings of a man's mind ( please note I use the term working in the same sentence as man & mind very loosely )

Surely subtlety and finesse are much sexier qualities than vulgar displays of rough and readiness?



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I dont wear frocks!

just the fact you called it a frock makes me worry
better than your smock lol
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Aww whats up spocky did I touch a nerve?
I called it a smock, Rev...because the tops are smock style.

A frock makes us think of Les Dawson doing his 'old lady' routine. Big flowery frock and curlers :o)
I just really dont know what to term my vicars outfit as...
A habit? lol

Oh no, that would be my PVC nuns outfit.
Pippa please stop lol
I have no idea what you're all talking about! Who is Rosie Webster?
Going back to the original question, I think it's a mood thing just the same as it is for us women.
Sometimes a man in a suit does it for me, sometimes a bloke in overalls smelling of engines does, or just out of the shower with only a towel on smelling soapy.
Depends on your frame of mind at the time, just like sometimes you want a long, slow session , when other times a quickie ' hits the spot ', so to speak.

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Which is sexier?

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