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How much would you bid?

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Bewlay Bros | 19:26 Tue 13th Nov 2007 | Music
3 Answers
I think this item is genuine. I have certainly never seen it before.

With the dollar a good buy at the moment, how much do you think I should bid? al-Authentic-Picture-76-Bust_W0QQitemZ12018172 2946QQihZ002QQcategoryZ14892QQssPageNameZWDVWQ QrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem



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well its up to 565 pounds at the mo i suppose it depends on how much you love david bowie personally i think thats a hell of a lot of money only you can decide how much you think this is worth
please bear in mind that this person has never bought nor sold anything on ebay and so has no history to look back on, just be careful as it's a lot of money to spend!
Mmmm never bought or sold anything before so must be genuine....

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