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Reverandfunk | 14:28 Tue 13th Nov 2007 | TV
85 Answers
Exactly what is the sinister (laughs) gang that jase was involved with?

Football thugs? Because personally I think it's getting quite laughable...


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That's it you northerners!!!!!!!!! Phil Mitchell, Sean Slater, jase and Minty are comin for ya!!!!!!!!!!!
China, if anyone accused you of being a south londoner - you'd assume they were calling you someone with a dirty mind
But I am from south london and I do have a dirty mind! So it just sounds like an accurate reflection of my personality at the moment.

Does it not mean the same up north?
I think if I were guttersniped I would have been sneakily attacked - stand to be corrected
the rest was observation
Going back 40 answers ago, I think Johnny Allen was fairly convincing as a gangster. And Martin Kemp had that traditional London swagger. Not a ganster as such, but a good portrayal of a nightclub spiv.

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