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banjobabe | 12:04 Wed 14th Nov 2007 | ChatterBank
15 Answers
Have you seen the supermarket (can't remember which one) with Lulu in?

How bizarre, she looks younger than I do and she's nearly 20 years older. In fact I wasn't sure it was her to start with.

I thought she was a scott?

Not a good look Lulu xx


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hi there banjobabe

You're not telling me there's no been a wee bit nip / tuck gone on there and as for that accent, well I've certainly never met anyone from Glasgow who sounds like that ffs. Who is she trying to kid???
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Hey Twafy

She used to look so good but I think she has just gone over the top and now she looks like a hamster!

Merry Christmas xx

Mrwarpig said the very same thing when he saw the advert. I would think that she has had some work done although there is no doubt that she is in good shape and that the ad seems to have been done in 'white light' which hides a multitude of 'defects'.
She reverts to her Scottish accent when she speaks to Alan Hansen.

I think she looks fab in the ad but I suspect thats more to do with clever lighting etc than what she looks like face to face.Still wouldnt mind looking like that at her age.
It's all that botox.
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Hey drisgirl,

I don't want to look like that when I'm oldererer lol

i want to grow old (dis) gracefully.

Would never do the botox thing. I think in 20 years they will all regret it.
She's my 1st wife's cousin, when she started being famous in the 60's she was right dirty a wee scutter,
Everyone was a right durrty wee scutter in the 60's!
Shes had more facelifts than joan collins
i think she looked good !
I thought she looked good too......
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its for m0rrisons i think...i saw her a while back on the tv and thaught t mysely my shes aged...then she appers on this ad 3months later and looks 10yrs younger!
I remember her wedding to maurice, she looked stunning in a white fur hooded mini coat, always remember that, I think she has done the right thing , helping nature along the way ! good on her.
Last time I saw her (ok it was in that take that video years ago) I would still have given her one.

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