I've had the mirena coil for just over a year. Everything was fine to begin with but have noticed a few changes in myself the past 3 months... My periods are fine and normal, have abit of spotting inbetween which is fine, but my moods have been terrible and have become very emotional & have put on abit of weight My sex drive has gone, and I have a dryness problem down below which in turn doesnt make me want to have sex... Has anybody else had any similar experiences??
Hi Missy,
Have a look at this site. Scroll down to Mirena and read the Product Monograph.
I put on nearly 2 stone in a year, lost a lot of my hair and had a generally very bad time with it.
I had it removed and thank gawd I'm back as me again.
Some people don't have a problem with it, but an awful lot do.
There is a case pending against the makers in the States.
I think you should go to the GP and discuss with them. There can be a period of mood swings while your body is getting used to the hormones, but seeing as it was fitted a year ago, best to get it checked out. You should be offered yearly checks anyway.
As beryllium says some have problems with the Mirena, others like myself don't.