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strange or beautiful???

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Bewlay Bros | 17:44 Fri 16th Nov 2007 | ChatterBank
19 Answers
Is this a beautiful and moving thing or a very creepy image.

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What is it before I look?
wardy... I am always surprised at the things you find to watch on youtube....

Its beautiful. Although why she isnt shouting the hospital down is beyond me!
a baby's hand sticking out of a womans vagina during delivery.....

I can't view it as its asking me to sign up and I don't want to,so
childbirth is beautiful and moving in my opinion. Pretty damned amazing as well!

We women are clever arent we?????;-)
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I would hardly say sitting around for 9 months and then panting and pushing a bit qualifies you for Eggheads.

i liked the House MD one where he opened up the womans belly to do operation and the unborn baby held his hand
Wasn't that in Scrubs Neo?
no...Hugh Laurie ----House MD
It was definitely House,I saw was pretty cool.
Don't look if you haven't had yer tea yet: uel.htm
I missed that one but isnt House a fantastic series ? Hugh Lawrie is amazing!
House is my favourite TV series.Its the only thing that I insist on watching.If I didn't know Hugh Laurie was English I could well believe he was American,he is really good at the accent.
daffy i avoided watching this series cause i couldn't accept him playing an American!
I was sooooo wrong and realised that as soon as i sat and actually watched a whole episode. I soon forgot he was Hugh Laurie, Percy in Blackadder and all the other typical Englishman roles he has had! Superb.

sorry for the hijack Bewlay Bros :-)
He comes out with some immortal lines
Beautiful and amazing ! My hubby (now ex) videod our son being born. At least he would have done if he had actually remembered to press the record button !!!!!!!
Oh gosh, at first I thought it was dead, how amazing is that, what happened? did it go back in. Then I watched the spontaeous birth vid, and that was amazing, even though I've given birth you never see it from that angle.

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strange or beautiful???

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