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pussnboots | 23:48 Fri 16th Nov 2007 | ChatterBank
9 Answers
After asking this Q I am going to run for cover because I will get a load of is a subject close to my heart. The poll on the right is asking about who should get priority when it comes to council house waiting list etc. Well my Q is if I decide to emigrate to another country in the eastern half of europe of further afield to a country in Asia would the powers that be in these said countries give me a house and pay the rent for me.


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Hi pussnboots , hope you are well:-) xxx

( chases the tumbleweed off the thread )
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lol@ bigmamma,
Hi puss, think there should be plenty of empty houses over there.... as they all appear to be enjoying the hospitality of the Good ol UK. But they will probably charge you rent.... sorry if this isn't what you wanted to hear...

No - cos I doubt if they have such a thing as Council housing over in those places
hello pussnboots

come to japan and have a geisha girl life
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Puss, I think you will be stripped of all your possessions and left to the mercy of the vagabonds.
You wont get into any other country worth going to without a job , money to support yourself , and you will not get a free house, any idiots who think you can, see what the regulations are to live in Canada,
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Oh dear.

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