Lauren: When I was your age, at Christmas time I would collect mistletoe and holly from the forest. I placed sprigs in small plastic bags and sold them outside Sainsbury�s. As I recall, I charged a shilling for a small bag and 3 shillings for a large bag. It was extremely successful for me. I�m not sure that some of the people really wanted the mistletoe, but the LOL�s (Little Old Ladies) who liked my idea of free enterprise.
You�re right at an age where you have the desire to work, but society isn�t quite jumping up and down to receive you. I�m sure it�s frustrating for you. I think Ice-Maiden has offered some excellent creative ideas. You might wish to make a card for yourself, mentioning your �sitting services, dog walking, etc,� and place them through doors in your neighbourhood.
I wish you every success
Fr Bill