Your body makes two chemicals called Noradreneline and Adrenaline which are responsible for the body's reaction to stressful situations. Beta Blockers block these chemicals and help the heart to beat more slowly which uses less energy. Due to the heart beating more slowly and with less force the pressure at which blood is pumped out of the heart to the rest of the body is reduced.It also increases the diameter of the blood vessels allowing blood to flow better. Hope this helps you
brionon -I know its difficult on here to analyse the way someone posts and I may be wrong with this -but when i replied I was refering to myself Googling it as i just made that answer up through my OWN understanding of it HBP pills..I wasnt suggesting you should Google it.
Hate having to justify my replies when I was just being genuine -sigh - dont even know why I bother.
Here that could be a good thread -'Why Bother' - lol