well homerbart i really do know how you feel..right i was drinking a bottle of wine every night for 3 ...yes 3 years,.it started with a relationship breakdown and a comfort thing ,which then grew into a habit.i was depressed,i went to the doctors several times with a cry for help,and i can honestly say they were useless .they offered me no counceling ,they just told me to cut down drinking. i personally think you are drinking to much and you are drinking to comfort yourself..in addition to my drinking i was comfort eating and the alcohol made me hungrier. the alcohol is also a deppressant you know. because i was over weight it crushed my confidence , i felt tired ,sluggish,,irritable,and that was because of the alcohol too.i never went out .and was hiding from people in asda if i new them ,,because i felt ashamed of how id let my self go,and how i looked...please listen to me because i really know what im talking about..you have to change your habit of getting them cans every night ,cos thats all it is a habit,,. 8 weeks ago i decided enough was enough and didnt want to drink any more so i started weight watchers and stopped drinking in the week,stopped drinking my feelings..i can honestly say i feel on top of the world..ive lost 1stone and 8 pounds up to yet.and no longer feel sluggish or depressed.i do have down days sometimes but not drinking and over eating feels great,and when i have a drink on saturdays,it feels like a little treat .you have obviously got a niggle in the back of your mind that the drinkin every day isnt right so trust that niggle before it over takes you.i never thought id get out of the rut i was in but obviously the time was right and im not going back now.you are the one that can make positive changes in your life and you only.i hope you find happiness soon and dont let your mind dwell on the down side of life,it is all a state of mind...remember ..sing along..always look on the bright side of life do do do do do do do do.xx take care.